Article by:
BDS, The British Deer Society, British Deer Society
At the British Deer Society, we sadly regularly hear reports and receive enquiries related to dog attacks on deer. Hardly a week goes by without a comment on social media or an email on the subject.
The pictures below were sent to us in the last few weeks by John Parish and last month we received a particularly sad account from BDS member Iain Laver related to his volunteer work in humane animal dispatch.

Iain told BDS:
“Yesterday I dealt with the consequences of what appeared to have been a dog attack on an adult roe doe. The grievous wounds were very fly blown with extensive maggot infestation.
The deer was alive on a footpath when I got to it, but barely conscious and dying after what had obviously been days of unimaginable suffering. I have been involved in humane despatch tasks over the years, but this was easily the most appalling interaction I have had with wild deer.”
Iain had the presence of mind to quickly capture photos at the scene taking care not to unnecessarily delay the urgent humane despatch at hand. It was very much his wish for the BDS to use these photos to help raise awareness about how much suffering can be prevented simply by keeping dogs under control, and the inhumanity of criminally hunting deer with dogs.
At the same time Ian and the BDS would also like to highlight the value to the community of those deer managers who are prepared to take on the responsibility of humane animal dispatch and who continue to show a deep respect for wild deer.
Thank you to Iain for his care and respect for wild deer and for sharing his experience.
The BDS urges dog owners to help prevent the indiscriminate chasing of deer and other animals which too often results in an attack by remaining in full control of their dogs at all times.
You can view Iain’s photos, (which some people may find distressing,) below.